Health & Wellness

Four Ways to Inspire your Mind in the Morning


It’s Monday morning, you’ve just got to work and your mind is still in a haze. Even that double shot expresso doesn’t seem to help and you’re wondering how you can get out of this cycle. This may not be a one-size-fits-all, but there are some things you can try to wake up your mind and banish that groggy feeling.

Whenever someone successful is asked what habits they have that helped them get to where they are, you can almost guarantee that they read, and often. Reading can improve mental stimulation, reduce stress, increase your knowledge and expand your memory and vocabulary (1).

One of the many reasons that reading in the morning can be so beneficial is because it helps you start your day motivated and inspired (2). If you find yourself coming up with new business ideas whilst reading someone’s autobiography, or ready to manifest your dream life after reading a self-help book, then reading in the morning may help you overcome the morning’s brain fog. Just 15 minutes could lead to enough motivation to triumph your day.

Another way to get your brain juices flowing in the morning is to listen to a podcast, either when you’re getting ready or even on your commute. The main benefit of podcasts is that they are portable, so you are literally educating yourself whilst doing other necessary tasks – such as the boring train journey to work.

Podcasts are great educational tools, and you can become an expert in a subject that you didn’t know anything about before (3). Podcasts, just like reading in the morning, can give you inspiration and motivation to power through the day, but are more suitable for people who are on a time crunch, or who find themselves getting distracted a page in.

The final way to help your brain get out of a morning funk is something that seems to be rapidly growing in popularity, journaling. Scientific studies have shown that journaling can not only boost mindfulness and memory but can even lead to a better sleep, a stronger immune system and a higher I.Q. (4).

One benefit of journaling in the morning is that it helps you become aligned with your intentions (5). If you include setting goals and targets, then you will know what you are aiming for from the start of your day and everything you do will be with that intention in mind.

Another benefit is that you will get rid of any mental clutter from the evening before or overnight and leave your mind fresh to start the day (5). What better way to prepare you for the day ahead and eliminate brain fog, especially if you are a creative person.

Adding 15 minutes every day to either read, listen to a podcast or journal could make the world of difference to your morning routine and set you up for a super productive day, so what’s stopping you?


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Jacob Williamson

Jacob Williamson

Writer and expert