Complete Nutrition

Introducing … The Nu Friday

Black Friday is a time where many people spend in excess, being drawn in by discounts to purchase things they don’t necessarily need. It makes sense to buy things that you need or have wanted for a while at a discounted price instead of full price, however, it is important to not go crazy and end up with loads of stuff that you have no use for.  

We ask you to welcome Nu Friday! A new approach to Black Friday, where you think about the decisions you make and come home with things you genuinely want or need. 

Below we have outlined some of the ways that you can be more thoughtful this Black Friday and hopefully make purchases that are valuable to you. 

  • Make a list 

Ahead of Black Friday think about all the things you want and need and make a list. Make a promise to yourself that you will not buy anything that is not on that list even if it is heavily discounted and seems like a great deal. This way you will not come out the other side regretting the decisions you have made and having to return lots of items, or worse, keeping them in the hope that you will use them one day, to then get rid of them in your spring clear-out.  

  • Can you afford it? 

A lot of people can get caught up in the Black Friday excitement and splurge on things that they can’t actually afford, leading to problems later. Assess how much money you can afford to spend, and make sure you are realistic. This will be your budget for the day/weekend. 

  • Second-hand buying 

If you are looking for a new tech gadget or a cool piece of clothing, why not buy second-hand. A lot of second-hand stores get involved in Black Friday and you could be giving something a new lease of life, buying something that might have ended up in landfill in a few months, and still getting yourself something new. 

  • Recycle  

Whatever you decide to buy on Black Friday, make sure you check the packaging once your product has arrived and see what you can recycle. Often the packaging needs separating to be recycled so make sure your read the instructions thoroughly, so everything is recycled properly.  

  • Ask questions 

When preparing to make a purchase, ask yourself some questions before mindlessly clicking ‘pay now’. Ask if the purchase will bring you long-term happiness, maybe question if you really need or even want it and if you believe you will use it. Questions like this force you to take a second to contemplate and can sometimes lead to a change of heart, or the decision to spend your money more wisely. 

Black Friday is a time when you can find great deals and savings, but by implementing some of the above suggestions, you can be more sustainable in your shopping and be a part of the Nu Friday initiative! 


Jessica Gibbard

Jessica Gibbard

Writer and expert